Donations Requested by GSE for Earthquake Relief in Equador

Donations Requested by GSE for Earthquake Relief in Equador
Posted on 04/22/2016
This is the image for the news article titled Donations Requested by GSE for Earthquake Relief in EquadorAs many of you know, Ecuador was recently hit with a 7.8 Earthquake. The destruction and disruption of countless lives is a palpable warning of how important it is to be prepared for natural disasters at home, and in the classroom.

While Ecuador might seem far away, a small community which is very close to our hearts, was devastated. This community has housed over 75 Harbor students over the past six years, kept them safe and sound and made sure that they were respected as travelers and as family. At Harbor, we have welcomed over 25 exchange students from this community, and will hopefully continue to welcome more in the years to come.

Our travels to the Bahia community is what fueled the passion and inspiration for our students to start our own garden at Harbor, the Grow Quad Food Forest. 

GSE has set up a donation site, the link is below. Please take a moment to consider donating a small amount ($5.00 to 10.00) if you can  (with the exchange rate that's really like $35.00). 

Every little bit helps.​